Under Labour Department Filing, you can find the services related to employment compliance filing such as PF Return Filing, PF Claim Settlement, PF Defaults Clearance, ESIC Return Filing, ESIC Claim Settlement, ESIC Defaults Clearance.
We have dedicated articles on all of the above mentioned topics. For an employer who has obtained PF Registration, it is a mandatory requirement to file Provident Fund returns every month. And for the employees who don't know how to claim PF and ESIC settlement can refer below for gaining more information about the same.
Employees Provident Fund (EPF) is a scheme governed by the Employees’ Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952. It is regulated by Employees’ Provident Fund Organization (EPFO). PF registration is applicable for all establishment which employs 20 or more employees in the organization. PF registration can also be obtained voluntarily by establishments having employee strength less than 20 persons.
What we provideOne can also get ESIC Form-9 to make a claim. If there should be an occurrence of Sickness/Temporary Disablement/Maternity Benefit as given by the Employees State Insurance Corporation, Ministry of Labor and Employment, Government of India.
What we provideThe Supreme Court has ruled that the proceedings for the recovery of damages are often initiated against the employer for his or her default in making payment of contribution to the provident fund despite the fact that they come under the 'exempted establishments' under the Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952.
What we provideESI (Employees' State Insurance) is a health insurance scheme and controlled by the Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India. This health insurance scheme is financing by employer and employee with respectively 4.75% and 1.75% on gross salary. This scheme covers sickness, injury, maternity of the employee and the member of the employee.
What we provideOne can also get ESIC Form-9 to make a claim. If there should be an occurrence of Sickness/Temporary Disablement/Maternity Benefit as given by the Employees State Insurance Corporation, Ministry of Labor and Employment, Government of India. There are two kinds of advantages that one can guarantee as a beneficiary of the ESI scheme.
What we provideAmount deducted from employee’s wages as an employee contribution is deemed to have been entrusted to the employer which implies that the employer has a higher responsibility to deposit the contribution with ESI.
What we provide