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Online Trade Mark Search

A trademark search is conducted through the Indian Trademark Registry database. The search helps in identifying whether a proposed trademark is available for use in connection with certain goods or services.

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Trade Mark Search Registration Package


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  • Trade Mark Name and Produt/Service Details

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The Time You Require A Trademark Search

Conducting a Trademark search online will give you the information of a registered brand name/Trademark, which can be similar (phonetically) to your Trademark. It is important to do a Trademark search to register the applicants' trademark or brand mark logo under the Trademark Act. Here are some of the reasons for conducting a Trademark search.

Trademark Registration Process

If you are planning on registering a trademark, the first step of the process is to conduct a thorough search for the existing trademark registrations and applications. The aim is to verify whether the trademark you have proposed is available or not.

You can contact Tax Seva Kendra for trademark search operation. And we also take care Trademark Registration for you. With our assistance you can be rest assured and get solutions for every needs.

Protecting Your Trademark

After trademark registration is complete, it becomes necessary to ensure the protection of your trademark rights. As mew trademark applications are submitted every day, anyone can attempt to make registration of the same or a similar trademark as yours. With the help of trademark search tool we can monitor such possibilities. When someone is trying to register the same trademark, you can make an objection. To make this task of protecting your trademark easier, Tax Seva Kendra offers you a trademark watch service. Through our trademark surveillance service, we ensure that your rights are protected. We thoroughly check new trademark registrations on a daily basis to give you real-time information about any possible infringement.

Benefits of Trade Mark Registration

There are many advantages and necessities for getting a trademark registration.

  • The most important benefit is the ownership. The owner of Registered Trademark enjoys exclusive right over that particular trademark.
  • We ensure protection against infringement and prevent any competitor or other person from using the mark or logo registered under your name.

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