Under this category you can find various services associated with Trademark such as Trade Mark Search, Trade Mark Application (TM), Trade Mark Registration, Trade Mark Objection File, Trade Mark Application Status Check.
A trademark is a unique identity which distinguishes your goods or services from others. We offer all these trademark related services at very affordable rates. You can select on any of the services down below to know more about it. And feel free to contact us in case you have any queries or need more information. We are available 24x7 to assist you.
A trademark search is conducted through the Indian Trademark Registry database. The search helps in identifying whether a proposed trademark is available for use in connection with certain goods or services.
What we provideBased on the results of the trademark search conducted, a trademark attorney will draft a trademark application. This application will provide the information that your business name/logo is to be unique. If someone already has the same or similar trademark registered, you need to rethink yours.
What we provideTrademark is a legal term which is popularly known as “Brand Name”. A Trademark means any symbol, word, name, device, numerals or combination of both, that can be depicted graphically. A trademark is a unique identity which distinguishes your goods or services from others. The trademark which is registered for services are termed as service marks.
What we provideTrademark objection happens to be one of the initial phases in the Trademark registration process. In the Trademark objection, the trademark registrar seeks a valid reason or explanation about the mark/logo and registration. The applicant can file a Trademark Objection response by stating his reasons for choosing the logo/symbol and how it will emphasize on his business to avail valid registration.
What we provideOn average, a trademark application takes at least 13 months to get your trademark registered at Trademark Registry, India. Your trademark application goes through various stages in this intermittent period, where you can check the trademark status reflected online.
What we provide